Sorry Kevin Costner you old senior citizen dreamy McDreamster you, but you’re dreaming.fieldofdreams

Building your marketing funnel with no understanding of what your customer fears, values and wants from you, will leave you lost in a field of unprofitable dreams.

BUT— you already know that because…

In Stage 1- Spy On Your Competitors And Get To Know Your Customers you learned from Ali, “The hands can’t hit what the eyes can’t see” so you researched your audience like a pro.

In Stage 2- Build Your Marketing Funnel it is time to build the framework for your marketing funnel. What is a marketing funnel? Glad you asked…

A marketing funnel is a money machine or a gold mine if you will.

Who wouldn’t want to get their hands on one of those?

Here’s the catch, if money machines were easy to build, everyone would be filthy stinking rich.

Profitable marketing funnels are not easy to build.

They can take 50-100+ hours to set up, you will need picks, shovels, gold miners, mine, shafts and once you have the infrastructure built…

You will need to feed it with paid ads, dial it in with rigorous testing and improve it through continuous optimization before you start getting two gold nuggets for every gold nugget you put in.

Not to fret… In Stage 2, Foundation & Framework. We will set you up for the highest chance of success by using the data we gathered in Stage 1. That way we aren’t creating opinion-based funnel offers, landing pages, and salescopy

Will our messaging be perfect the first time around? It can and has happened, but that isn’t always the case which is why we do not recommend skipping Stage 1.

The data, our “spying” and research from Step 1, allows us to start out much closer to the sweet spot, save a bunch of time, testing and money.

For many of our B2C clients, the funnel will typically look like the following:

  1. Lead Magnet- Offer a Free Report, Checklist, Case Study or something that is highly valued, yet quick and easy to digest. This magnet draws a web visitor into your funnel by allowing you to capture their email address and give the consumer a positive, 100% free, value up front, initial interaction with your brand. The laws of reciprocity now make them subconsciously indebted to you and more likely to take you up on your…
  2. Trip Wire- A few days later, (once they have had a chance to consume your lead magnet)… you offer what is commonly referred to as a “Trip Wire”. A Trip Wire is a Free + Shipping & Handling offer ($4.95 or less) on a small but cool physical or digital product that converts you from a lead to a customer (Customers are 10X more likely to buy from you than non-customers) and puts them into a 1-Click Upsell Funnel. Since they have already entered their credit card they can now buy the next few “1-Time Only” offers with just 1 click (Amazon does this all the time).
  3. Core Offer- The core offer is offered immediately after someone buys your Trip Wire. This is your flagship product, meaning a product that you know people want because historically is is your best seller. The price range should be no more than $50, I have had the most success with offering and $29.95 Pre-Core Offer to make it really easy for people to say yes and then offer a $50 Core Offer and after they say yes or no, I show them the final offer which is called the Profit Maximizer…
  4. Profit Maximizer is a product that will have a lower conversion rate than the Pre-Core Offer or the Core Offer, but 1-5% of the time, somebody bites and it can mean the difference between a successful marketing funnel and one that proves to be a huge waste of time and money.

Based on what pages are visited and which funnel products are purchased, an automated sequence of emails and advertisements will activate.

Our email follow-up sequences and retargeting ads that are automatically triggered based on lead and buyer behavior will increase the value of your leads and new customers by as much as 20x.

To be continued…