I’d bet $1000 that at this very moment, there is a least 1 over-caffeinated CEO blabbing about:

  • Growth Hacking
  • Mass Scaling
  • “Crushing It!”
  • “Moving The Needle!”
  • Hockey Stick Charts
  • The Billy Ocean VH1 Story Blue Ocean Theory

But most of them are missing a REALLY important concept that could sink their ships…

Brand perception, customer experience, and the subsequent customer retention and the loyalty that you EARN… by taking care of the people who pay you… are as important (if NOT much more important) than acquiring new customers.

Continuing to pour water into a leaky bucket, will always yield the same soggy results

Gotta seal the leaks before pouring more water.

Finally: we have reached the final stage needed to complete your well-oiled, lean, mean, masterpiece of a marketing machine but…